So why learn to dive in Colombo? If you are visiting Sri Lanka and planning to learn scuba diving during your holiday, getting certified at the start in Colombo allows you the chance to enjoy fun diving anytime during your holiday (not to mention the chance to dive a fantastic wreck in Colombo). And if you live in Colombo, it’s the most convenient way to get certified. We offer flexible schedules (for example you could do the course over two weekends) so you can work around your work, school or other commitments. And best of all you can finish your training and be back home for lunch. No need for long drives or the extra expenses of an overnight stay.
Our Open Water course can be completed in 4 days. Day 1 is dedicated to knowledge development or the theoretical aspects of diving. Day 2 is for confined water training where you will be taught practical skills in a local swimming pool. Days 3 and 4 are dedicated to open water diving where you will practice your diving skills across 4 dives to a maximum depth of 18m. All your dives will be done in Colombo and you will get to explore our local reefs and wrecks including the fantastic Thermopylae Sierra wreck.